DR GORDON MOYES WAS a member of the upper house of the NSW Parliament from 2003 2002 until the most recent election in March this year. Originally standing with Fred Nile’s Christian Democrats, he broke with his Parliamentary colleague in spectacular fashion and ran unsuccessfully as a Family First candidate. He is very traditional, very conservative, and very religious. When someone like that warns you about extremism on the Right, it’s worth cocking an ear.
The Uglies-influenced Liberal Party plus the CDP (funded by the Exclusive Brethren and other fundamentalist groups) will want their agenda including teaching creationism in schools as science rather than one of their faith beliefs. They will also want their anti-Islamic face coverings Bill and a winding back of equality in the homosexual community. This will lead to social conflict on a great scale. Book burners and elephant shooters do not make for good bed-fellows.
None of these will pass as the Greens, Labor and some pro-gay Nationals and Liberals will combine against them. But that doesn’t matter, as the CDP uses such occasions to reinforce itself with its community of rusted-on believers and give the impression that it is standing up for its values…
My emphasis.
Mindy #
“teaching creationism in schools as science rather than one of their faith beliefs. They will also want their anti-Islamic face coverings Bill and a winding back of equality in the homosexual community. This will lead to social conflict on a great scale. Book burners and elephant shooters do not make for good bed-fellows.
None of these will pass as the Greens, Labor and some pro-gay Nationals and Liberals will combine against them.”
But will they do the same when Abortion issues come up?
Liam #
I think what he’s saying that in the majority of cases of the CDP’s pet issues there’ll be conscience votes and they’ll still probably lose, there being enough of a moderate presence in the Coalition.
It’s that they’ll be discussed at all is the important thing—it’s an organising and polarising tactic.
As midget Hitler would say, it’s always worth cocking an ear.
Liam #
Consider that in-joke appreciated, FDB.
I just went looking on Google for the original Birdism but it seems to have disappeared from both Catallaxy and LP: where was it?
I’m pretty sure it was LP, but to be honest I mostly remember the later references to it.
Vlad N would probably know. He seemed really to take it to heart.
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