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THE BLOG HAS A default theme for now, by popular demand.
Posted · Author Liam Hogan
TWITTER HAS BEEN BOUGHT, and will become, presumably, Elonian, meaning heroic, disorganised, and centred on the self-image of its owner above any function. As it, and other highly-centralised social media ‘places’ appear to be at inflection points of utility, perhaps we can find other smaller and disaggregated places to be.
I post at, put pictures up at flickr, and at instagram (though rarely). And I aim to blog here more frequently…
Posted · Author Liam Hogan
Much Time And Little To Do
WHEN I STARTED THIS blog in 2011 I had recently been made redundant, and was retraining completely to enter a new field. Little did I know then that the stretch of unemployment and underemployment I was about to go through would be a lot longer than I expected. Even less did I consider the mental health implications of being so far from the world of regular routine work. The time has come again, though perversely, for the moment I’m still in a full-time job; social distancing (which is experienced by every jobseeker) has a way of turning into social isolation, and from isolation to exclusion.
Thankfully we have some literary practices left from the old world to guide us into the new. Get a blog.
Posted · Author Liam Hogan
I HAVE BEEN INFORMED that this blog is now officially archived by the National Library of Australia and is accessible in trove.
I am both honoured, and ashamed of this, my own personal crime against the national heritage.
Posted · Author Liam Hogan
If You Can't Stand The Workplace, Get Back In The Kitchen
IF YOU ARE READING THIS now, it means I have been made unemployed, and I am an unemployee.
You’re probably also wondering about the odd title for this blog…
Posted · Author Liam Hogan