Category Guest Post
Guest Post by the Devil Drink: Choc Hops Chocolate Stout
GLUTTONY, AS ONE OF THE main canonical Sins, is pretty encompassing. There’s a lot to it and if you want to do it properly, it needs hard work. It’s not quite like Lust or Wrath which you can get done in a morning, or—so I’m told, if you’re into that kind of thing—have them together, bash out a couple of hundred thousand words and publish the results as an erotic fan fiction bestseller. No, to be a Glutton one has to put in the hard yards.
Posted · Author The Devil Drink
Guest Post By The Devil Drink: Espresso Stout
THE OWL IS EITHER A symbol of wisdom or bad luck, depending on which pagan tradition you prefer. The eyes on this one also stared out at me from the “Assorted” fridge at the local bottleshop, where the curious are tempted by the unfamiliar and challenged to test themselves against Beer Lotto. When the going gets tough the weird turn pro, as Hunter S (pbuh) remarked. Owl Stout went straight to the counter. Hitachino! Espresso! Hoooooooo!
Posted · Author The Devil Drink
Four Pines Stout (Guest Post by The Devil Drink)
WHAT IS THAT THING ON the side of the bottle? I think it says “Certified Vostok Space Beer”. I’m reading it right, but what on earth can it mean?
Posted · Author The Devil Drink
Dry July (Guest Post By The Devil Drink)
PLEASE ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE myself, I am a man of wealth and taste. I’ve been around for many a long year… and while Liam hasn’t been looking I’ve pinched the keys to the blog and I’m fanging it around for a joyride—or at least the closest thing to it you can get between speed bumps and school zones and chicanes and traffic lights in this pissant Nanny State. I’ve got the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson polishing a Smith & Wesson M&P .38 Special in the passenger seat and the ghost of someone who says she’s Janis Joplin in the back. Hunter seems to believe her, and if 66.6% of the car says that’s who she is, who am I to go against a majority? Especially as half the majority is holding a gun. But I digress.
Posted · Author The Devil Drink