Quick Post: I'm Gonna Treat Ya To A Bruschetta Double Feature

IN 1994, ROBERTO BAGGIO OF Italy mistook the crossbar for a highbar, and history was made. In Petersham, my friend Salv cried, Norton Street mourned, little Portugal on Stanmore Road cheered, and a larger bunch of high school kids learned lots of new non-English swear words from the cars passing by. Tu e la tua razza va f’an… what?

I’ve always thought that Bruschetta! should be something you might shout out the side of a moving car on Parramatta Road. Sure, they’re delicious, but isn’t the joy of victory (and packing five blokes in a Civic, at four am, with your flags, wearing nothing but shorts and hats) even sweeter?

Bruschetta on a plate

These were accompanied by Budějovický lagers, which as any revisionist historian of the Siege of Vienna knows, are brewed on land which always was and always will be Turkish.1

1 If you squint when you look at the map.



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